Stop Leaving Your Relationship to Chance

relationships Aug 09, 2024

Hey there, lovebirds (and future lovebirds)! 🕊️

Let’s talk about something that we’ve all heard a million times: “If it’s meant to be, it’ll be.” Ah, yes, the ultimate relationship mantra that’s about as comforting as a cozy blanket on a chilly night. But here’s the thing—what if I told you that this whole “meant to be” thing is kind of like flipping a coin and hoping for the best? I know, I know—cue the dramatic gasp!

Now, don’t get me wrong; I’m all for the universe doing its thing. But when it comes to love, should we really be leaving it up to chance? The truth is, love isn’t just about luck. It’s about preparation, effort, and grabbing those opportunities with both hands—like you would with the last slice of pizza at a party. 🍕

Why “Meant to Be” is Only Half the Story

Let’s get real for a sec. The whole “if it’s meant to be” idea can be super comforting because it takes the pressure off, right? But here’s the catch: it also takes YOU out of the equation. If you’re sitting around waiting for the universe to make things happen, you’re basically playing the love lottery with your happiness. And guess what? The odds aren’t exactly in your favor.

Instead of crossing your fingers and hoping the stars align, how about we start thinking of love as something we can actually work on? Because, newsflash—love is not just some magical spell that either works or doesn’t. It’s like a garden that needs planting, watering, and a little bit of sunshine (and okay, maybe a sprinkle of fairy dust, too).

Love is Where Preparation Meets Opportunity

Ever heard the saying, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”? Well, it’s the same with love. Imagine this: You meet someone amazing. The sparks are flying, but after a few dates, things start to fizzle out. Maybe it’s because one of you is more into the idea of “meant to be” while the other knows that a great relationship takes some serious TLC.

When you’re prepared—emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually—you’re not just waiting for love to fall into your lap. You’re creating the conditions for love to grow and thrive. And when that perfect opportunity comes along, you’re ready to dive in, headfirst.

So, How Do You Prepare for Love?

Glad you asked! It all starts with knowing yourself and understanding what you want in a relationship. This isn’t just about making a list of must-haves (though, hey, lists are awesome); it’s about digging deep into who you are, what makes you tick, and what kind of partnership will make your heart sing.

But don’t worry, this isn’t some boring homework assignment. It’s about getting excited about your life, your passions, and how you want to share them with someone special. When you approach love this way, you’re not just waiting around—you’re actively creating the love story you’ve always dreamed of.

Stop Waiting and Start Creating

Here’s the bottom line, my friend: Love isn’t some cosmic lottery where you cross your fingers and hope you’ve got the winning ticket. It’s something you build, nurture, and grow. And the best part? You don’t have to do it alone.

That’s where The Love ENERvention comes in—a game-changer in understanding yourself and your partner. It’s time to stop leaving love to chance and start taking control of your love life. With the right tools, strategies, and a little bit of fun, you’ll be ready to create the relationship you’ve always wanted.

So, are you ready to ditch the “meant to be” mindset and get serious about love? Because trust me, it’s way more rewarding to build something amazing with someone special than to just sit back and hope for the best.

Let’s get out there and create some love magic, shall we? 💖✨


Check out The Love ENERvention Course